The Statue – A Modern Fable (or Allegory?)

Once upon a time, in the not so distant past, in the land of Euwessovay,
a huge island far off the coast of ancient Greece, there lived a great sculptor. This sculptor came from a long line of great sculptors descended from PygmalionA.

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The anglicized version of the Greek word Euwessovay would be “U.S. of A.”

This sculptor was commissioned to create a statue for the leaders of the Scotus Society. And as you’d expect, he did an outstanding job.

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One club in the new land was so enamored with this ancient society that they made their name a backronymD of the older group. They now call themselves “The Supreme Court Of The United States”.

The Scotus Society was a powerful group of old men, who were considered to be the wisest in the land. As you all know, “statue” is an ancient Greek word for corporation.   Everybody in ancient Greece knew that a statue, although created by humans for the benefit and enjoyment of humans, was not really human. Even Pygmalion knew that.

Unlike the famous work of this sculptor’s ancestor, this statue was not in the form of a beautiful woman.   To ensure his commission, the sculptor took a lesson from another compatriot of the old country, NarcissusA. He made the statue in the likeness of the society elders.   When they received the statue, the members of the society each saw himself in the statue and immediately fell in love.

They loved the statue so much that they unanimously decreed that it would thereafter be considered human with all the rights and privileges thereof.   And thus was the law of the land.   Not quite satisfied, they later decreed unanimously that this statue would be granted the highest honor and privilege in the land – specifically the right to completely disregard the “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness” of all lesser humans, namely women, and to ignore all of their needs and individual religious beliefs, as his gods commanded him.

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This “Life, Liberty, . . .” quote is attributed to Thomas Jefferson, who in the Declaration of Independence claimed these terms were unalienable Rights endowed by our Creator.

Nobody yet knows how this story will turn out.   Although it was born from the mind of men, this statue is no AthenaA. And in this version of the Incarnation, it is the mother’s role that is missing instead of the father’s. Maybe this new human will be the atheists’ answer to Jesus Christ.   Regardless, this statue is now a proper and natural citizen of the great island state of Euwessovay. That means that because it is male, this statue could well be declared the country’s next Grand Commander.   And because statues never die, we could all be serving this great leader for years to come.

How The The Hobby Lobby Decision Affected Me

I had probably been growing disgruntled long before the Supreme Court made this decision,

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For those of you who haven’t heard, the Supreme Court just decided that corporations who state at the beginning of their articles of incorporation that their only purpose is to make gobs of money now have more religious rights than you doA.

but that was the event that triggered my first ever effort at political creative expression. It was a short allegory (or is it a fable?), which may be what led to me starting this blog.   Although my faith in the Supreme Court was completely shattered (for the moment), the world has not yet come to an end as predicted.  

Still, for me, this was worse than learning that Santa Claus didn’t exist.   In that earlier instance, it wasn’t that big of a shock. The realization finally came after discovering several aspects of the story that just didn’t add up.   My biggest concern then was whether or not the presents would stop coming once I admitted that I knew the truth.

Now after this latest event, I have to ask myself whether any of our personal liberties are safe, and even more important, was ANYTHING my parents taught me really true.

For example, when I was young I remember hearing about how one person’s rights end when the next person’s begin.   And then there’s the one about how with rights come responsibilities (try telling that to the gun worshipers).   And what about those history lessons. The way I understood it, our forefathers came to this country to get away from other people telling them how and to whom they should worship.   Had they been greeted upon arrival by a delegation of natives assuring them that although the government here could not dictate such things, it could hold you down while you were pummeled into submission by your boss, I’m sure they would have reconsidered.   I believe the pilgrims would have either

  1. turned around and gone home (we have too many immigrants in this country anyway),
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    Do I need to give some sort of signal when I’m being facetious?
    or they would have
  2. used that as an excuse to massacre the current residents and steal all of their land (the American dream, and probably the true motive right now behind Israel’s foreign policy (we may talk about this more in a later article)).

After I wrote my allegory, I showed it to a very small set of carefully selected friends.   Unfortunately, most of these friends were too polite to comment.   One brave soul suggested I was too esoteric. That could explain why I never quite made it as a math teacher.   Their critique is the reason I provide extra notes and footnotes to explain some of my terms and references.   If you are already familiar with the terms, you might want to skip the references to maintain the flow of the prose.   None of my friends even hinted that it might be safe to give up my day job, and so I haven’t.

Look for the allegory about “The Statue” here soon.